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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Food Hygiene

Environmental Public Health

Physical Address:

Environmental Public Health
5505 Stewart St.
Milton, FL, 32570

8 a.m.–1 p.m.
2 p.m.–4 p.m.

Closed for lunch
1 p.m.-2 p.m.

Food Safety Inspections 

The Florida Department of Health in Santa Rosa (DOH-Santa Rosa) provides food service inspections for:

  • Schools
  • Assisted living facilities
  • Concession stands at DOH facilities
  • Detention facilities
  • Fraternal and civic organizations
  • Bars serving nonpotentially hazardous foods
  • Afterschool meal programs
  • Alcohol/drug treatment residential facilities

What is Inspected?

The primary objective of these inspections is to prevent the development and spread of any food/waterborne illness or injury to the general public or facility staff. Some of the items examined include ensuring:

  • Foods are maintained at the proper temperature.
  • Food and supplies are stored properly.
  • Food is used or discarded by the expiration date.
  • Food and dish storage areas are kept clean and free from vermin.
  • Staff are free from communicable diseases and practicing good hygiene.

The Food Hygiene Inspection Program is risk-based. Those facilities that pose a greater risk to the public becoming sick from consuming their product are inspected more often than those that pose a lesser risk. These risk factors include the types of food served, the amount of preparation that is required, the population that is served, and the quantity of food that is prepared. High risk facilities are inspected quarterly, which means 4 times per year (or 3 times for schools that close for summer vacation). Moderate risk facilities are inspected semiannually, which means 2 times per year. Low risk facilities are inspected once per year. 

Contact the Environmental Public Health office by phone at 850-983-5275 or email for more information.

Environmental Public Health Bill Pay

Environmental Public Health bills and fees can be paid in person at the Environmental Public Health office in Milton, by mail, or you can visit to pay online (service fees will apply for use of online bill pay).

If fees are paid online, please send confirmation of payment and any required paperwork to

Food and Water-Borne Illness 

Food and water-borne illnesses are caused by bacteria that are present in contaminated food and water sources. Foodborne diseases often take the form of "food poisoning," with vomiting and diarrhea. Waterborne diseases can manifest as either food poisoning or pneumonia, depending on the bacteria involved. Click on the link to learn more about reporting an illness, preventing exposure and food preparation.